Monday 1 October 2018

Helpful Tips On Running For Beginners: Part 1

Running is an excellent (and free) way to stay fit and keep your heart healthy, but many of us don’t really do it right. That leads to more discomfort and pain, which then results in not wanting to run at all. This is especially true for beginners, so here are some helpful tips that’ll help you start your running journey:

1. Wait a bit after you eat

This is a common mistake many of us make. Eating and then going for runs right after isn’t ideal. Your stomach hasn’t had the proper time to digest the food you just consumed, which could lead to bloating and cramps, making your run not very enjoyable. The basic rule here is to wait 2 hours after you eat to give your body some time to digest. If you’ve had a lighter meal, 90 minutes could suffice.

2. Start with a warm-up

This should be a given, but many of us don’t stretch nearly as often as we should. Taking the time to stretch out your muscles beforehand will prevent any possible pulled muscle problems while you run. If you’re feeling any muscle tightness during your run, a little stretching could definitely go a long way!

3. End with a cool-down

The cool down period of your run is just as crucial as your warm up, as it eases your body back into reality. This can be done by simply walking for a least 5-10 minutes after your run to keep your body moving so that the blood flow could slowly get back to normal. Otherwise, if you stop abruptly, it can cause dizziness. After that’s done, another good stretching session will help loosen your muscles.

4. Mix running and walking

Many of us put a lot of pressure on ourselves to run the whole length of our desired distance, but by combining both running and walking, it’s still a great way to stay fit! During your run/walk process, you’ll slowly build yourself up to fully run the distance you set out for. Discouragement is poison for runners, so don’t be so hard on yourself!

These are just a few tips for beginner runners to maximize their running experience. Stay tuned for the second part of this series with even more tips coming soon! In the meantime, learn more about how stretching can improve your body movement as well as prevent injury from physical activity with Eyal Lederman’s insightful book, Therapeutic Stretching in Physical Therapy. Feel free to browse through our online library,, for more fitness content!

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