Monday 1 April 2019

The Importance of Core Strength

Your core muscles are a range of muscles throughout your midsection that range from pelvic to abdominal muscles, not to mention several muscles in your back and sides, and they are important. How important, you ask? Very important. Core muscles are in large part responsible for stabilizing the rest of the body, here are just a few of the advantages of proper core strength.

Better balance. One of the most evident effects of stronger core muscles is a better balance, as balance relies quite heavily on your core strength. Particularly important for anyone who participates in CrossFit or obstacle races, and equally important for anyone who participates in team sports or any activity that requires a combination of movement and coordination.

Fewer injuries. When we work out muscles to the point of exhaustion, it’s often times our core muscles that will pick up the slack, but they can only do so much. Injuries happen, but a stronger core will definitely mean fewer injuries as your body won’t have to struggle quite as hard to make up for exhaustion.

Better posture. The body relies quite a bit on your core muscles for proper posture, and stronger core muscles will generally mean better posture down the road. Better posture not only makes you appear taller, but it can significantly reduce aches and pains throughout the body, particularly in the back and lower back.

Looking for more information on fitness and healthy living? Check out for a wide variety of reads and more.

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