Wednesday 13 March 2019

Exercising With Limited Mobility

For one reason or another, be it due to age, injury, or disability, some of us suffer from limited mobility in our day to day lives, but that certainly doesn’t mean we can’t exercise! Here are some of the steps to take that will open up the world of exercise to those of us with limited mobility.

Do what you can. Not all of us can run a marathon, and not all of us have to. A vigorous walk on a regular basis can often be enough to provide a number of health benefits. For those who are limited in their ability to walk or are chair-bound, upper body exercises are a possibility.

Start slow, build up gradually. Powerlifters never start with the heaviest weights, and neither should you. No matter the exercise, starting slow and very gradually building up is the best way to prevent injury and to ensure a sustainable exercise routine that you’ll stick to.

Ask for help. Having someone assist with your exercise, even if it’s just for motivation, is a surefire way to make things safer and more fun.

Don’t get discouraged. There will be good days and bad days, it’ll happen to everyday people as well as elite athletes. The key is to not get discouraged, to keep with it, and to continue building up day after day.

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